1. Turning down Zynga: Why I left after the $210M Omgpop buy

    It’s good to know there are some decent people out there who dare to stand up for what they believe in.

    And then I wondered: why was I even trying to compromise? Zynga has an Austin studio, where several good friends of mine work. Yet I had never applied to Zynga. Why? Because the company’s values are completely opposed to my own values, professionally and creatively. Because I believe that developers are at the front lines of game development and deserve to be treated well, and I didn’t trust Zynga to do so. All this was still true — except that their complete unwillingness to negotiate with me only confirmed my concerns. Why on earth was I even considering joining?
  2. Batman in the Kitchen

    A fun cartoon by my favorite Kevin Cornell, via his Instagram.

    He really has no business rolling the dough while the roux is burning. You don’t. Leave. The Stove!

  3. ALA: Every Time You Call a Proprietary Feature CSS3, a Kitten Dies

    A List Apart gets it right: stop screwing with the terminology. Correct naming matters.

    Every time you call a proprietary feature “CSS3,” a kitten dies. Any -webkit- feature that doesn’t exist in a specification (not even an Editor’s draft) is not CSS3.

    I have been hearing this for a while. But what bothers me even more is when people mix up HTML, CSS and Javascript, calling anything that is animated or flashy HTML5. Some don’t know better, but some of them should.

  4. Apple Maps

    I have been meaning to blog about the recently discovered custom map tiles that appeared in the recently released iPhoto for iOS. While not particularly suited for driving directions etc. they do strike me as beautiful and with an Indiana Jones-movie like charme. As with many Apple products, they don’t do everything, but what they do—add flair to a photo collage—they to well.

    Apple iPhoto-style Maps
    Apple iPhoto-style Maps

    Luckily for people who don’t own iOS devices, @refnum hacked together a custom tile layer for the Google Maps API, and it’s a pleasure to use. I hope Apple will use these maps for something more than decoration, but we’ll see what the future holds.

    Update: I had the screenshots wrong, my apologies. Fixed.