1. Girls

    HBO Girls Logo

    I don’t particularly like test-driving a new TV show. You always risk wasting your evening on something like “Body Of Proof”, which disappointed me earlier this month. But sometimes you find a gem. After “How I Met Your Mother” has become so stale and some other shows have reached their pinnacle as well, I had to find something new, so I took a chance and started Girls, which just ended its first season with Episode 10. I have to say, I was surprised it was this entertaining, and truly well made TV. I consider it something of a complement to “New Girl” (which I also kind of enjoy, but is on summer break), but with a more serious undertone; more of a drama-soap than comedy. Just what I needed. If anybody is in search for something to fill their evening, I highly recommend looking into it. Not too heavy, not too long (I’m looking at you, “Sherlock”!) and occasionally really funny. Thumbs up.

    Trailer: http://youtu.be/0QyyuM3CzSs

  2. Diablo 3 Builds

    Ich dachte, ich notiere hier mal kurz meinen Fortschritt in Diablo 3 und damit meinen Softcore Level 47 Build und den Hardcore Level 16 Build. Das sind eigentlich die meistgespielten Charaktere bei mir.

    Am meisten gings mir aber darum, das Battle.Net Tooltip-Script mal in einen Post einzubauen, damit ich das schnell zur Hand hab, wenn ichs dann mal brauche. Ich denke, man kann jetzt wahrscheinlich auch in den Comments Items, Skills und Builds posten, indem man einfach auf die Seite verlinkt, oder den Link direkt postet.