1. Apple San Francisco Pro Icons

    Apple’s switch of fonts on its website from Myriad to San Francisco is in the news today. Something in John Gruber’s post about the topic got me interested: the mention of not only the known San Francisco weights, but also a font file called SFPro Icons.

    I worked some simple typography magic and made a surprising unsurprising discovery: the file contains various icons used throughout apple.com. Shocking, I know. But I’m posting a screenshot here anyway, for science.

    Apple San Francisco Pro Icons webfont

  2. Apple Watch Charger Concept

    Let me propose an idea for an Apple Watch magnetic charging cable with lightning connector!

    Apple Watch charger with lightning connector

    Only a silly sketch for now, but seriously: can somebody please make this? Would save me from carrying an extra silly one purpose cable on travels. The “puck” could easily get lost, but as it’s so small you could also easily store it somewhere safe.

    Extra points if it has additional ports for micro USB or USB C on the other sides!

  3. LOAD

    LOAD is a small PHP and Bash based downloader that can retrieve files from the web and supports authenticated uploaded.net accounts.

    Sometimes you’re out and about and browse a website on your phone that requires you to download a file. Or has any download link you’d like to download, but that is difficult on iOS. How do you download? Where do you put the file? Will the download consume all your monthly bandwidth? (The answer is yes, btw.)

    For this situation, I wrote this script. You simply enter the direct URL to the file you’d like to download and the script makes a few calls to wget on the command line. The file gets downloaded to your webserver. There, a little stash accumulates until you’re ready (back on WiFi for example) to deal with the files, download or delete them. Also, in some circumstances (like Apple releasing a new iOS version, etc.) I have found that direct downloads at home are often significantly slower than the download rates my provider/webserver can achieve. This way, I only need to make sure I have a good connection to the server and can download from there. Also, the script can be used to quickly mirror a file that may disappear in the future.

    The script supports saving to Dropbox directly, if you fill in a valid app id, with the saver url setting set to the domain you’re running the script from.

    LOAD file download script

    If you have any thoughts, questions or improvements for this, please add them to the issue tracker.

  4. String Converter

    Heute habe ich aus Frustration (Normalerweise suche ich in der Situation schnell was online. Mit wechselndem Erfolg.) ein kleines Utility geschrieben, mit dem man einige häufig auftretende String-Konversionen machen kann, zB. utf8_encode, base64_encode, url_encode, json_encode und noch ein paar andere. Zusätzlich habe ich auch ein paar andere Sachen eingebaut, die ich in dem Zusammenhang oft brauche, wie zB. Text clean-up (Leerzeichen und Line-breaks normalisieren) und zufällige Strings generieren, etwa für Passwörter oder sowas. Damit auch andere was davon haben, gibts das ab heute unter convert.arnorichter.de

    Und als Teil meines Open Source efforts hab ich die Basis dazu mal als Gist online gestellt. Ist zwar nicht besonders, aber dann kann jeder selbst hosten und Erweiterungen machen, wenn man mag.