ok, ich weiss, es ist schon ewig lang her, dass cerulean studios ihr neues meisterstueck Trillian 3 auf den markt geworfen haben. aber das heisst auch, ihr hattet schon genug zeit, es euch zu besorgen. und Trillian 3 habt ihr dann auch noch gekauft. naja jedenfalls hab ich noch waehrend der entwicklungszeit mit sorge deren Blog beobachtet, auf dass ich beta testen darf und so weiter. damals ist mir ein artikel aufgefallen, den ich hier fuer die hobby-designer unter euch in ausschnitten zitieren moechte. ich hab mal die besonders schockierenden stellen kursiv gesetzt. den ganzen artikel findet ihr im cerulean studios blog.
[…] In fact, one of the first things that we have finalized is the logo. Today we will officially introduce the brand-new logos for Trillian 3 Series.
You may first notice the completely new design of the logo for Trillian Basic. It is a very cheerful-looking graphic, and it surprisingly embraces the two-globe symbol in a friendly way. The blue and yellow colors tell users that Trillian Basic is THE basic tool for all instant messaging needs. To continue our ‘tradition’ of using highly complex illustration as a logo instead of some single-colored shapes that lack identity (ironically) these days, the Trillian Basic logo is no simple shape and is highly polished with shiny effects and gradients.
The logo for Trillian Pro may look the same old professional at first sight. The changes were subtle: the inclination of the ‘globe-holder’ has been changed to be consistent with the Basic logo, and the polish was made consistent, too. A slight blue tone was added to create a more personal quality instead of purely silver.
In general, everything is subtly and slightly blue this time, comparing the silvery tone of 1.0 and the midnight gray tone of 2.0. For some strange reasons (and good reasons), we think that 3.0 will be a bright and cheerful version. Blues will blend with whites and silvers gradually. Bold and stark lines are now replaced with blended lines with clear thin edges. The flowing lines motif that has been here since 1.0 is still here, yet takes another shift from thick parallel lines to very fine parallel lines, almost like bank notes or some sort of certificates. And they flow like mountains.
As for fonts of the logos, we remain faithful in the timeless qualities of Helvetica. It is a font adopted by numerous agencies around the world, and it is almost the standard for modernity (Anm. der Redaktion: OH MEIN GOTT, hat das hier noch jemand gelesen??). Its pristine and ornament-less design will always be radical, and I think by that Trillian will always look trendy. The switch to Helvetica happened during Trillian Pro 1.0, when we decided to make Trillian look less like a Star Wars video game by removing the custom graphic font (which originated from Serpentine font used by our original designer Ryan. From then on, Trillian always look Pro, with an Expanded Oblique twist, which retains certain playfulness, movement and lightness of the product. You will see oblique fonts still being used around the software.
To emphasize the new-ness of “3”, the size of the number will be a lot bigger than the word Trillian (Anm. der Redaktion: Denn ueber kurz oder lang werden wir unser produkt auch “3” nennen, nicht mehr Trillian. immer das wichtige gross machen, schon klar). Since the logo itself is enough to differentiate Basic and Pro, I used an outlined font for the words “Basic” and “Pro”.
Mann mann, das ist ganz schoen starker tobak, ich weiss nicht. ich meine, ich haette ihnen die logen noch abgekauft, aber die erklaerung und rechtfertigung, die sie dazu liefern ist ja mehr als … naja, ihr habts ja gelesen. aber das ist schon ein dicker hund. WENN ich mir schon so nen humbug einfallen lassen muss, um meine arbeit zu entschuldigen oder erklaeren, dann doch wenigstens was in richtigem oelna-style, und nicht so was halbgares. was sagt ihr?