Everyone, and I mean everyone, still doing webdesign work in Photoshop should follow this set of instructions. Pure gold.
The Photoshop Etiquette Manifesto for Web Designers is a collection of ways to improve the clarity of a PSD when transferred. You stay organized, your developer stays happy.
It’s good to know there are some decent people out there who dare to stand up for what they believe in.
And then I wondered: why was I even trying to compromise? Zynga has an Austin studio, where several good friends of mine work. Yet I had never applied to Zynga. Why? Because the company’s values are completely opposed to my own values, professionally and creatively. Because I believe that developers are at the front lines of game development and deserve to be treated well, and I didn’t trust Zynga to do so. All this was still true — except that their complete unwillingness to negotiate with me only confirmed my concerns. Why on earth was I even considering joining?