1. Photoshop Etiquette

    Everyone, and I mean everyone, still doing webdesign work in Photoshop should follow this set of instructions. Pure gold.

    The Photoshop Etiquette Manifesto for Web Designers is a collection of ways to improve the clarity of a PSD when transferred. You stay organized, your developer stays happy.
  2. Beautiful Wind Map

    A canvas-driven wind map that is so beautiful I could watch it for hours and hours.

  3. Turning down Zynga: Why I left after the $210M Omgpop buy

    It’s good to know there are some decent people out there who dare to stand up for what they believe in.

    And then I wondered: why was I even trying to compromise? Zynga has an Austin studio, where several good friends of mine work. Yet I had never applied to Zynga. Why? Because the company’s values are completely opposed to my own values, professionally and creatively. Because I believe that developers are at the front lines of game development and deserve to be treated well, and I didn’t trust Zynga to do so. All this was still true — except that their complete unwillingness to negotiate with me only confirmed my concerns. Why on earth was I even considering joining?
  4. Batman in the Kitchen

    A fun cartoon by my favorite Kevin Cornell, via his Instagram.

    He really has no business rolling the dough while the roux is burning. You don’t. Leave. The Stove!